WIDE Paper-List in 2010 Kuroyuri: ネットワーク実験記述言語処理系 wide-paper-deepspace1-kuroyuri2010-00.txt WIDE Project: http://www.wide.ad.jp/ If you have any comments on WIDE documents, please contact to board@wide.ad.jp. Title: Kuroyuri: ネットワーク実験記述言語処理系 Author(s): 知念 賢一(k-chinen@jaist.ac.jp), 宮地 利幸(miyachi@nict.go.jp), 篠田 陽一(shinoda@jaist.ac.jp) Date: 2010-12-06 Keywords: Testbed, Network Experiment, Experiment Driving Summary_jp: | ネットワーク実験では実験対象と設備の双方の規模が拡大しており,実験遂行 の自動化が重要である.本研究はプログラミング言語による実験遂行の自動化 に取り組む.従来から実験にはスクリプトが用いられてきたが,局地的かつ断 片的であった.我々は,実験の全てをまとめて扱えるプログラミング言語を考 案した.本言語は,実験の簡潔な記述を目指して Domain Specific Language として開発され,利用者はネットワーク構築や計算機の電源投入など実験の本 質ではない雑多な処理から解放される.また、計算機間の通信や同期も備え、 複雑な手順の実験も記述可能である.本論文では我々の開発したネットワーク 実験記述言語とその処理系Kuroyuriを紹介する.本処理系はネットワーク実験 支援ソフトウェア群SpringOSに含まれ,フリーソフトウェアとして広く公開し ている. Summary_en: | Since the scale of experiment targets and testbeds used for network simulation and emulation are increasing, the ability of tools for network experiment is becoming more important to reduce humane efforts and boost automation. One of the tools which helps realize that goal is programming language and it is also the main focus in this study. Traditionally, small and various scripts in different languages have been used separately during the experiment. This makes the management work harder because users may have several scripts in different languages and they may forget about done or undone jobs. To make a unified and effective framework, our approach solves those shortcomings by building one script for the whole experiment based on one language from top to bottom. The language that we developed has network-oriented features that make users free from insignificant routine works in experiments such as network construction and power status control. Moreover, the language has the communication feature between nodes to support messages and arguments passing. In conclusion, the language and its processing system transform the conduct of experiments to a much simpler work --- running a script. Misc: | % 国内論文誌(査読あり) @article{ Chinen:ComputerSoftware201011, author = "知念 賢一 and 宮地 利幸 and 篠田 陽一", title = "Kuroyuri: ネットワーク実験記述言語処理系", journal = "コンピュータソフトウェア", volume = "27", number = "4", pages = "43--57", year = 2010, month = "Nov" }