WIDE Paper List in 2006 Realistic Simulation of Internet wide-paper-deepspace1-mya-asc2006-01.txt WIDE Project: http://www.wide.ad.jp/ If you have any comments on this document, please contact to ad@wide.ad.jp. ^L Title: Realistic Simulation of Internet Author(s): Toshiyuki Miyachi(toshi-m@jaist.ac.jp), Junya Nakata, Razvan Beuran, Ken-ichi Chinen, Kenji Masui, Satoshi Uda, Yasuo Tan, Yoichi Shinoda Date: 2006-12-25 %url: %x-wide-wgnames: deepspace1 %keywords: Experimental environment, Network Testbed %references: %summary_ja: %summary: | % The Internet is a complex collection of various nodes % which run independently. % The hardware and software of nodes are quite diverse and % these elements make the complexity of the Internet. % It is difficult to model these behaviors, % so we proposed and implemented StarBED, % a large-scale testbed using general PCs and switches. % Thus we created an environment for experiment % using realistic nodes and software. % We also designed and implemented SpringOS, % which is a supporting software for making experiments on StarBED. % Using SpringOS, % users can make experiments on StarBED easily. % In this paper, % we describe the design of StarBED, % and how to make an experiment on the StarBED using SpringOS. % Moreover, we describe the design of StarBED2, % StarBED2 is a testbed for ubiquitous and sensor networks based on StarBED. % misc: % - 査読ありのコンファレンス・ワークショップ等 @inproceedings{ mya:ASC2006, author = "Toshiyuki Miyachi, Junya Nakata, Razvan Beuran, Ken-ichi Chinen, Kenji Masui, Satoshi Uda, Yasuo Tan, Yoichi Shinoda", title = "Realistic Simulation of Internet", booktitle = "Systems Modeling and Simulation Theory and Applications, Asian Simulation Conference (ASC) 2006", pages = "386-390", month = "October", year = 2006 }