WIDE Paper-List in 2006 Operational Experiment of Seamless Handover of a Mobile Router using Multiple Care-of Address Registration wide-paper-nautilus6-keiichi-mcoa-seamless-00.txt WIDE Project: http://www.wide.ad.jp/ If you have any comments on this document, please contact to ad@wide.ad.jp. ^L Title: Operational Experiment of Seamless Handover of a Mobile Router using Multiple Care-of Address Registration Authors: Keiichi Shima (keiichi@iijlab.net) Yojiro Uo (yuo@iijlab.net) Nobuo Ogashiwa (ogashiwa@inetcore.com) Satoshi Uda (zin@jaist.ac.jp) Date: 2006-08-23 % 論文誌 @article{KeiichiShima:JounalOfNetworks200608, author = {Keiichi Shima and Yojiro Uo and Nobuo Ogashiwa and Satoshi Uda}, title = "{Operational Experiment of Seamless Handover of a Mobile Router using Multiple Care-of Address Registration}", journal = "Academy Publisher Journal of Networks", volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = "23--30", month = "July", year = {2006} }