WIDE Paper-List in 2006 SHISA: The Mobility Framework for BSD Operating Systems wide-paper-nautilus6-keiichi-shisa-00.txt WIDE Project: http://www.wide.ad.jp/ If you have any comments on this document, please contact to ad@wide.ad.jp. Title: SHISA: The Mobility Framework for BSD Operating Systems Authors: Keiichi Shima(keiichi@iijlab.net) Ryuji Wakikawa (ryuji@sfc.wide.ad.jp) Koshiro Mitsuya (mitsuya@sfc.wide.ad.jp) Tsuyoshi Momose (momose@az.jp.nec.com) Keisuke Uehara (kei@wide.ad.jp) Date: 2006-08-11 % - 査読ありのコンファレンス・ワークショップ等 @inproceedings{ Shima:IPv6TodayWorkshop2006, author = "Keiichi Shima, Ryuji Wakikawa, Koshiro Mitsuya, Tsuyoshi Momose, Keisuke Uehara", title = "SHISA: The Mobility Framework for BSD Operating Systems", booktitle = "IPv6 Today Workshop 2006", pages = "", month = "August", year = "2006", } % type = "conference" % site = [http://www.computer.org/] % wideareaname = [Internet] % widewgname = [nautilus6] % keyword = [Mobile IPv6, NEMO Basic Support, BSD, implementation] % references = [] % summary_ja = [] % misc = [] % summary = [ % Mobile IPv6 and Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BS) are the % IETF standard mobility protocols for IPv6. When we consider the % deployment of a new protocol, it is well understood that the % existence of a free protocol implementation, which can be used as a % reference implementation for both research and operation, plays % important roles. SHISA is a free implementation of Mobile IPv6 and % NEMO BS protocols built on top of BSD operating systems. The % purpose of SHISA is to be a reference implementation of the mobility % protocols and to accelerate the deployment. In this paper, we % explain the background of the development, introduce the design and % explain the implementation detail. SHISA consists of the modified % kernel and the user space programs, which is a similar approach as % the routing/forwarding mechanism implemented in many UNIX systems. % We designed a new communication layer between kernel and a user % space program and also between user space programs to exchange % mobility related information. This design makes the implementation % simple and extensible. SHISA also provides some advanced features % such as multiple care-of address registration and IPv4 prefix % support which will help the deployment in a real situation. % ]