WIDE Paper-List in 2009 A Comparative Evaluation of Traceability in CJK Internet wide-paper-traceback-miyamoto-jwis2009-00.txt WIDE Project: http://www.wide.ad.jp/ If you have any comments on this document, please contact to ad@wide.ad.jp. Title: A Comparative Evaluation of Traceability in CJK Internet Author(s): Daisuke Miyamoto (daisu-mi@nict.go.jp), Hiroaki Hazeyama (hiroa-ha@is.naist.jp), Youki Kadobayashi (youki-k@is.aist-nara.ac.jp) Date: 2009-11-30 url: x-wide-wgnames: Traceback keywords: IP Traceback, simulation, deployment scenario references: summary_ja: | summary: | In this paper, we evaluate the traceability in IP traceback systems(IP-TBSs) by deployment simulation. In general, the traceability of attack sources or attack paths is expected to improve with the number of autonomous systems(ASes) participate in such systems. However, since there are various types of AS, such as core AS and leaf AS, the traceability would be would be affected by the types of network topology and/or the deployment scenario. Herein, we employ 3 types of emulated Internet topologies that resemble the inter-AS topology in China, Japan, and South Korea. We use 4 types of deployment scenarios to estimate the traceability of attack sources and attack paths. On the basis of the obtained results, we discuss the deployment scenario in each network region and demonstrate our scenario used in the field test conducted in the fiscal year 2009. misc: % - 査読ありのコンファレンス・ワークショップ等 @inproceedings{Miyamoto:JWIS2009, author = {Daisuke Miyamoto and Hiroaki Hazeyama and Youki Kadobayashi}, title = {{A Comparative Evaluation of Traceability in CJK Internet}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Information Security(JWIS 2009)}, month = {August}, year = {2009} }