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Last update: 2021/2/24 10:43:52 JST

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Filtered by nautilus6

Title Author(s) Date Filename
Configuring IPsec for SHISA Keiichi Shima (keiichi@iijlab.net) 2006-04-13 wide-tr-nautilus6-configuring-ipsec-for-shisa-00.pdf
Configuring IPsec for SHISA/MIPL Keiichi Shima (keiichi@iijlab.net) 2006-06-01 wide-tr-nautilus6-configuring-ipsec-for-shisa-mipl-00.pdf
Kerberos based AAA framework for mobile networks Saber Zrelli (zrelli@jaist.ac.jp) Yoichi Shinoda (shinoda@jaist.ac.jp) 2006-01-05 wide-tr-nautilus6-krb-in-nemo-00.pdf
Nautilus6 Project Activity Report in 2005 Thierry Ernst (Editor) (ernst@sfc.wide.ad.jp) Keiichi Shima (Editor) (keiichi@iijlab.net) 2006-02-10 wide-tr-nautilus6-report2005-01.pdf
Nautilus6 mobile technology demonstration at the First IPv6 Summit in Thailand Keiichi Shima (editor) (keiichi@iijlab.net) Romain Kuntz (kuntz@sfc.wide.ad.jp) Koshiro Mitsuya (mitsuya@sfc.wide.ad.jp) 2006-07-18 wide-tr-nautilus6-mobility-demo-thai-ipv6-summit-00.pdf
The E-Bicycle Demonstration Setup on Tour de France 2006 Romain KUNTZ 2006-09-25 wide-tr-nautilus6-ebicycle-tour-de-france-00.pdf
The WIDE Nautilus6 Working Group Report 2006 Romain KUNTZ (Editor) Keiichi SHIMA (Editor) Koshiro 2007-02-04 wide-tr-nautilus6-report2006-03.pdf
The WIDE Nautilus6 Working Group Report 2007 Nautilus6 Working Group 2008-01-08 wide-tr-nautilus6-report2007-00.pdf
The WIDE Nautilus6 Working Group Report 2008 Nautilus6 WG 2008-12-15 wide-tr-nautilus6-report2008-00.pdf

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