
How to join

IP Traceback WG
WIDE Project


Referred Journal Papers:
Masafumi Oe, Youki Kadobayashi and Suguru Yamaguchi, "A Proposal of Hierarchical IP Traceback Architecture", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.~J85-B, No.~8, August 2002, in Japanese.

Masafumi Oe, Youki Kadobayashi and Suguru Yamaguchi, "Design and Validation of a Hierarchical IP Traceback Architecture", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol.~J86-B, No.~8, August 2003, to appear, in Japanese.

Referred Conference Papers:
Masafumi Oe, Youki Kadobayashi and Suguru Yamaguchi, "An implementation of a hierarchical IP traceback architecture", In Proceedings of SAINT'2003 Workshop on IPv6 and applications, January 2003.

Hiroaki Hazeyama, Masafumi Oe and Youki Kadobayashi, "A Layer-2 Extension to Hash-based IP Traceback", In 1st International Forum on Information and Computer Science (IFICT 2003), January 2003.

Yuko Sawai, Masafumi Oe, Katsuyoshi Iida and Youki Kadobayashi, "Performance Evaluation of Inter-domain IP Traceback", In Proceedings of ICT'2003, February 2003.

Domestic Workshop Papers:
Hiroaki Hazeyama, Masafumi Oe and Youki Kadoabyashi, "MAC Traceback: an Extension of Hash-based IP Traceback", IEICE Workshop on Internet Architecture, July 2002, in Japanese.

Yuko Sawai, Masafumi Oe, Katsuyoshi Iida and Youki Kadobayashi, "Modeling and Simulation of Traffic Overhead and Attack Path Reconstruction Time -- the Case of Traceback Packet Approach", IEICE Workshop on Internet Architecture, July 2002, in Japanese.

Magazine Articles:
Youki Kadobayashi and Masafumi Oe, "IP Traceback Techniques", IPSJ Magazine, Vol.~42, No.~12, pp.~1175--1180, December 2001, in Japanese.

Internet Drafts:
none at present.

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