

wija and its plug-ins are written in Java 2 Standard Edition. You will need to install JDK (Java Developers Kit) to develop programs in Java 2 Standard Edition.

Development tools

Perforce installation and configuration

Environment variables for Perforce

P4CLIENTClient nameSomething to distinguish workspaces
P4EDITOREditorThe editor program you usually use
P4PASSWDPasswordNotified password
P4USERUser nameNotified name

MAO WSCM Depot configuration

//depot/wcm/...Media Art Online Web site (including wija help pages)
//depot/scm/...Media Art Online software (including wija)
//depot/docs/...Media Art Online publications (papers and presentation materials)

wija-devel(-en) mailing list members are configured to review //depot/wcm/... and //depot/scm/... (meaning that they will receive e-mail messages when changes are made; the configuration can be changed by the members themselves). Those wija-devel(-en) members who are also members of Murai Lab. are configured to review //depot/docs/... as well.

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