wija and its plug-ins are written in Java language (J2SE; Java 2 Standard Edition)*1. You will need to install JDK (J2SE Development Kit) to develop programs using J2SE (bundled with Mac OS X). We assume that ant tool is used for builds.
The versions of all software (including wija and its plug-ins) and web sites developed and distributed by Media Art Online are manageed using Perforce software. It is a commercial software, but Perforce has agreed to grant free licenses for 40 users in Media Art Online only in the case where those licenses are used for development in open source projects. Also, since the client software for Perforce is free, anyone can obtain the latest source code using the software if they do not intend to participate in development at Media Art Online.
We have prepared wija-devel-en mailing list to share those licenses and to discuss issues in the development of wija and its related software. For each member of wija-devel-en list, a writing-enabled Perforce user account is allocated.
If you are interested in joining wija-devel-en, please let us know at the following
The members of wija-devel-en can try out the latest software or documentation by receiving a review message by Perforce right after a modification is made to the development items in which they are interested.
Name | Description | Setting |
P4CLIENT | Client name | Something to distinguish workspaces |
P4EDITOR | Editor | The editor program you usually use |
P4PASSWD | Password | Notified password |
P4PORT | ServerName?:port | perforce.media-art-online.org:1666 |
P4USER | User name | Notified name |
Path | Description |
//depot/wcm/... | Media Art Online Web site (including wija help pages) |
//depot/scm/... | Media Art Online software (including wija) |
//depot/docs/... | Media Art Online publications (papers and presentation materials) |
wija-devel(-en) mailing list members are configured to review //depot/wcm/... and //depot/scm/... by default (meaning that they will receive e-mail messages when changes are made; the configuration can be changed by the members themselves). Those wija-devel(-en) members who are also members of Murai Lab. are configured to review //depot/docs/... by default as well.