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Publications †
2005 †
- Kenji Saito, Eiichi Morino and Jun Murai, "Incentive-Compatibility in a Distributed Autonomous Currency System," Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing (AP2PC 2005), July 2005
- Kenji Saito, Eiichi Morino and Jun Murai, "Reduction Over Time: Easing the Burden of Peer-to-Peer Barter Relationships to Facilitate Mutual Help," Proceedings of The Second International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination (CSAC-2005), May 2005
- Kenji Saito, "WOT for WAT: Spinning the Web of Trust for Peer-to-Peer Barter Relationships," Special Section on Internet Technology, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Communication, April 2005
- 岡田行央,飯村卓司,櫨山寛章,門林雄基,山口英,"ソーシャルインターネットワークの提案",信学会IA,2005/01
2004 †
- Y. Doi, K. Saito, "Discussions on Multi-Overlay Architecture over the Internet", WTC/ISS 2004 Technical Session, 2004/09
- 土井裕介, DHTを用いたDNS上の非構造な名前空間の検索効率化の一検討, 情報処理学会UBI研究会, 2004/06
- 田中康之,土井裕介,國司光宣,寺岡文男, "Chord による LIN6 node の位置情報解決手法", MoMuC/MBL, May 2004.
- T. Iimura, H. Hazeyama and Y. Kadobayashi, "Zoned Federation of Game Servers: a Peer-to-Peer Approach to Scalable Multi-player Online Games", ACM SIGCOMM Workshops on Netgames
- Y. Kadobayashi, "Achieving Heterogenity and Fairness in Kademlia", Peer-to-Peer Interconnection 2004 Workshop (SAINT2004)
- Y. Doi, "Peer Group Rendezvous Using Intersection among Peer Groups on DHT", Peer-to-Peer Interconnection 2004 Workshop (SAINT2004)
- T. Ishida, S. Hisamatsu, K. Saito, M. Minami and J. Murai, "Content Cruising System under Sparse Movements of Nodes", Peer-to-Peer Interconnection 2004 Workshop (SAINT2004)
- K. Saito, "Maintaining Trust in Peer-to-Peer Barter Relationshops", Peer-to-Peer Interconnection 2004 Workshop (SAINT2004)
2003 †
- Universal Rendezvous Pointer: オーバーレイ間相互参照のための識別子空間, 信学会IA 7月研究会